Plagiarism = presenting someone’s work as yours, check Plagiarism Turnitin or if free
- Search engines –
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1.2 Pick-up –
- Rewrite
- Summary
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- Check and double check
Referencing – Harvard style
Show references in two different places;
- In-text references (within your work
- List of references – (at the end of the whole assignment or work
- In-text
The surname of the author, year of publication)
- “Training is a program that helps employees acquires specific knowledge or skills to improve performance” (Taslim Ahammad, 2017).
- “The term “human resource management” (HRM) has been commonly used for about the last ten to fifteen years” (Ahammad, 2017).
- “The interest in zero hours contracts is, in some ways, surprising given they represent less than……Labour Force Survey” (Ahammad et al., 2017).
- Or According to Ahammad (2017) The term human resource management (HRM) has been commonly used for about the last ten to fifteen years.
- “Teaching is an art.…..creative ways to teach students” (Ahammad, 2022).
- Accounting is defined as the process where transactions are recorded, summarised (UK Essays, 2013)
2) At the arrange for the List of References
- Using a book
Surname, Initials, (Year) Title of book, Edition, (only include this if not the first edition) Place of publication (this must be a town or city, not a country), Publisher:
Ahammad, T. (2017) Human Resource Management, Nilkhet Dhaka, Brothers Publications
Ahammad, T. (2017) Personnel Management to Human Resource Management (HRM): How HRM Functions, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, Vol. 13, No. 9, 412-420 doi: 10.17265/1548-6583/2017.09.004
Ahammad, T., Shanta, F. R., Julker, Md. N., Khadiza, B., and Sultana, Nigar., (2017) FUTURE IN ZERO HOUR CONTRACTS: WORLD PERSPECTIVE, International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol.3, Issue,04, pp.715-718
Lamba, S., Choudhary, N. (2013) Impact of HRM practices on organizational commitment of employees, International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, 2(4), 407-423
Akter, S., D’Ambra, J., & Ray, P. (2011) Trustworthiness in Health information services: an assessment of a hierarchical model with mediating and moderating effects using partial least squares (PLS), Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(1), 100-116
- Website
Surname, initials, year Title of the page (Online) Available at; link (accessed – date)
Ahammad, T., 2022. Teaching Is an Art Teachers should look for every opportunity, The New Nation [Online Available at: (Accessed 13 Apr. 23)]
Barfi, C., 2014. Students love money [Online Available at: (Accessed 16/01/2015)]
- Online references Harvard
Online references:
UK Essays, (2013) Project Career Development Management Essay, [Online available from: (Accessed 7 September 2017)]